Sobo it the Tops for Me

After at least 20 visits to Tofino we've had the best weather ever today.  I love this place.  We just had lunch at Sobo and I came away wondering if I could live on cornmeal crusted oysters, polenta fries and cold white Kettle Valley wine.  I'd like to give it a try!  One of the first things I do when I arrive, after the beach, of course, is visit Sobo and eat oysters.  Occasionally, they don't have any or are sold out and that is always a HARD thing but at least it means I've tried the fish taco, the chowder, and the shrimp cakes. But for me, it's the oysters.  They have been perfect every time and in a good year I get to eat them twice in a visit.  I will NOT admit to 3 times in one trip but it's a lofty goal.  Thanks to the Lisa and the Sobo team, the polenta fries were even cheesier and more delicious this time.  See you tomorrow.


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